How To Paint Soundproofing Foam (Easy Guide)

When you live in an apartment, condo, or noisy neighborhood, there’s little you can do about the noise from your neighbors. Soundproofing foam is your first defense against external noises and annoying room echoes. Sadly, it doesn’t take much to realize that acoustic foam is not the most appealing sound treatment you want to hang in your home without some modifications.

You can paint acoustic foam by applying a thin layer of spray paint and letting the paint dry completely before adding an extra layer. Soundproofing foam still needs to retain its acoustic properties, and applying too much foam fills up the open cell structures responsible for sound absorption.

In this blog post, we’ll take you step-by-step and show you exactly how to paint soundproofing foam. It might seem like a lot of work when other quicker options are available, but painting your soundproofing foam will allow you to add a personal touch.


1. Prepare Your Tools and Materials

As with any DIY project, the process of spray painting acoustic foam is as much about preparation as it is about execution. If you intend to achieve the best possible results for your spray-painting efforts, you’ll need to start by preparing the right tools and materials.

Acoustic foam is a porous material that will soak up paint like a sponge. This means you can’t just throw it in a bucket with some paint and expect great results. If you want to get an even, smooth coverage on your foam and avoid drippy messes, I recommend spray painting. 

Here’s what you need: 

  • Soundproofing foam (or acoustic foam) – Any soundproofing foam will do. Still, I recommend any thick or high-density foamOpens in a new tab. you can get your hands on for this project. Besides, high-density foam is more resilient than low-density foam.
  • Spray paint – This is very important. You’ll want to use as little acrylic or water-based latex paint as possible. Roller painting and paint brushes are a big no since they’ll apply too much paint. You’ll need the paint in spray form as using thicker coats of paint may clog the pores in the foam.
  • Spray gun and compressor – A spray gun and compressor kit can make spraying easier and more fun.
  • Drop cloth – A drop cloth is any small, lightweight fabric that helps protect your floor during painting. It will catch any paint that doesn’t end up on the foam.

Is your foam dirty? If so, wipe it clean with a moist tack cloth. This will help the paint adhere better and prevent dust from settling on your finished surface. You also want to make sure the foam is completely dry. Otherwise, the paint won’t adhere well. 

2. Start With the Edges

Technically speaking, there’s no significant advantage in painting the foam’s edges first. You can alternate the process and start with the foam’s body and move on to the edges. However, you’d be surprised how easy it is to forget to apply paint to the corners. 

When spraying around corners, it is best to start from the outside of the outline and work your way in. The best way to do this is to hold the spray gun at an angle as you come around the corner. Maintain a consistent distance of about 12 inches between the spray gun and the outline. This will keep the look consistent.

I assume that you cut your foam in clean, straight cuts (if any cutting was involved). Always ensure that you cut straight lines so the paint covers the edges equally. If your foam has a frame around it, be sure to sand it down a little bit for the paint to adhere well.

3. Apply the First Layer

The first layer of paint you apply over your acoustic foam is the most important. You want to get it right the first time because fewer layers mean that the foam’s performance won’t be altered too much. 

Remember, acoustic foam is basically standard polyurethane foam that has been chemically treated so that its pores trap air instead of letting it leak out. Consequently, every coat means more pores getting blocked, which is the last thing you want. 

Acoustic foam can soak up quite a bit of paint, so you do not need to use a heavy hand when painting it. Therefore, sweep through the first layer by moving the spray gun from top to bottom, then side to side.

4. Follow Up With an Extra Layer and Let Dry

If you were painting over wood, you might be tempted to move on to the second layer of paint right away. However, this is not the best idea if you’re painting over acoustic foam. You need to let the first coat of paint dry completely before adding a second one. Normally, you should wait a couple of hours to let the first layer dry fully.

The second layer of paint doesn’t need to be as thick as the first one. However, it should cover any missed spots. This will keep the paint looking nice and even.

Should Acoustic Foam Be Painted? (PAA)

Painting acoustic foam is a topic that has been discussed extensively. Every audio expert will tell you that it’s never a good idea to paint soundproofing foam. But I believe that the answer to this question depends on the desired application of the acoustic foam. 

If you’re using soundproofing foam purely for acoustic treatmentOpens in a new tab., then it’s best to leave it unpainted. This is because the porous nature of the acoustic foam prevents high and mid-range frequencies from bouncing around the room.

Acoustic foam should not be painted, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be painted. It is generally recommended to use acoustic foam in its unpainted form, as any paint will likely clog the pores in the foam and negatively impact its sound-deadening capacity. 

All things considered, soundproofing foam comes in plain industry colors. For manufacturers that make custom panels, you’ll find your acoustic foam in many different colors and patterns. 

Other Alternatives To Painting

So, what now? If paint will affect the foam’s sound properties, what else can you do to improve its aesthetic appearance? 

Other than painting, there are several alternative ways to decorate your acoustic foam. 

Acoustic foam comes in a variety of colors, but they all look pretty much the same straight out of the package. If you’re planning on using acoustic foam in more than one area of your home, then the way you decorate it may depend on which room it’s going into. 

Nevertheless, if this is just a one-off project (as many DIY projects tend to be), there’s no reason why you can’t experiment with different ideas and see what works best for you and your space.

Here are a few ideas you can try:

Add Vinyl Decals or Stickers

Another fun way to decorate your soundproofing foam is to add vinyl decals or stickers. This is an excellent option if you want to add a certain design or pattern to the foam but don’t want to paint it. You can get decals and stickers in just about any design or pattern that you can think of. If you have a specific design in mind, you can also create your own stickers. 

Just make sure you’re using the appropriate adhesive to ensure that your design stays put once applied to the foam. You can also opt for giant stickers that cover the entire surface of the foam. This is a great idea if you have a large wall or a playroom that you’re trying to shield with noise reduction.

Add Some Stained or Dyed Fabric

Yet another way to cover the soundproofing foam with your favorite colors is by adding some stained or dyed fabric to it. You can add patches or designs to the foam if you want something more unique. This is an excellent option if you want to cover a large portion of the foam with a design and don’t want to paint the entire thing. 

It can be a bit more challenging to get a nice, even finish with fabric than with paint. However, fabrics can also be easily removed and replaced with another pattern if you get tired of the initial one.

Install LED Lights Inside the Frame

An all-in-one acoustic panel with LED lights within would be a great addition to your walls. 

These are more expensive, but can help you transform your soundproofing foam into a glowing piece of art. The panel can be installed on the ceiling or walls to block out unwanted noise while the LED lights on the inside of the panel will provide additional lighting for your home.

There’s no one-size-fits-all in this DIY procedure. Here are the general steps for adding LED lightingOpens in a new tab. to your acoustic foam:

  1. You’ll first want to create a frame for your soundproofing foam if you haven’t already. Make space that’s big enough for an LED light to fit through. It shouldn’t take much time and effort as LED lights are small.
  2. Next, you’ll want to get the appropriate size of LED and locate the appropriate power source. 
  3. Once you have everything, you can gently line up the LED lights behind the frame and secure it in place with duct tape or a long-lasting adhesive. 

LED lights are versatile, so you can get creative with how you position them and what they look like. You can also go for different shapes, sizes, and colors to give your soundproofing foam a unique aesthetic.

Change Color With Stencils

Stencils are great if you’re just starting out with DIY crafts. They’re easy to use, affordable, and versatile – you can use stencils to paint anything from furniture to fabric. Stencils come in various shapes and sizes, so you’re sure to find something that piques your interest. 

Here’s what to do:

  1. Select a stencil and place it on the soundproofing foam you want to paint. It’s a good idea to have a fabric stretched over the foam.
  2. Fill your spray gun with your desired paint.
  3. Using quick, sweeping motions, start painting over your stencil.
  4. When you’re done, let the paint dry, and then remove the stencil.
  5. Put plenty of tape around the edge so you don’t get any drips when you take it off.

If you’re working on a large project and don’t want to invest in a stencil, you can also make one by cutting an image out of cardstock or another piece of thick paper. You can get creative with the way you position the stencils or use more than one at a time to create a more layered look. 

Buy Custom-Made Soundproofing Foam

If you have a very specific design in mind, then you might want to look into buying custom-made soundproofing foam. 

Soundproofing foam can be purchased in a variety of different densities and thicknesses, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. 

There are several factors that you should consider when selecting custom-made soundproofing foam for your home. These include:

  • Thickness – Soundproofing foam is used to diffuse unwanted echoes. These could be high and low frequencies. Thin soundproofing foam absorbs high frequencies, while thicker foam absorbs lower frequencies.
  • Size – You need to ensure the soundproofing foam will fit in the area you want to cover. You can measure the area and then compare that to the dimensions of the foam.
  • Material – There are different types of soundproofing foam; some are made of polyurethane while others are made with latex. If you have allergies or respiratory problems such as asthma, it’s best to buy polyurethane because it won’t aggravate these conditions as much as latex will.
  • Price – Soundproofing foam prices vary based on the size of your project and the type of foam you want to purchase.

Before buying soundproofing foam, it’s a good idea to research the different brands and types of soundproofing foam available in your area.

Many companies will make their foam in different colors, so you can get exactly what you want. Or, you can make your own custom-made soundproofing foam panels with the right supplies.


Hopefully, this detailed guide has helped you understand how to paint soundproofing foam. 

Soundproofing foam is an excellent wayOpens in a new tab. to deal with noise problems in your home. However, be careful about how much paint you apply to preserve its properties. 


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I'm Vinnie, and I'm here to support you to create your own studio at home, whether it’s for photography, recording audio, podcasts, or videos!

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